72 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Lokasi Bird Contest Kota Malang Berbasis Android

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    Saat ini kontes burung berkicau sudah sangat menjamur dan menjadi trend di kota Malang. Dengan banyaknya pendatang baru dalam dunia kicau burung, masih banyak orang yang belum mengetahui lokasi tempat kontes burung berkicau di kota Malang. Saat ini sudah ada sekitar 20 tempat kontes burung berkicau di kota Malang belum termasuk tempat kontes yang berada diwilayah kabupaten dan kota Batu. Dengan sedikitnya informasi tentang lokasi kontes burung di kota malang pada penelitian ini penulis membuat sistem informasi geografis pemetaan lokasi kontes burung berkicau di kota Malang berbasis web,pengembangan sistem informasi ini dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan waterfall. Dengan adanya sistem informasi ini diharapkan bagi para kicau mania kota Malang maupun dari luar kota bisa mengetahui dimana lokasi kontes burung yang akan mereka tuju

    Generation of Space Shooter Level Using Genetic Approach

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    In this article, we used genetic algorithm and geometric-based approach to generating level for 2D space shooter game. We used the defined fitness value from game designer to limit the fitness value of the genetic algorithm process. And the geometric-based is used to generate base level from the best chromosome in genetic algorithm. The geometric generator will take a random object for each corresponding game element from the chromosome. This approach minize the time to generating the object, we directly used object geometry for the data in chromosome so it can minimize process and memory cost. This approached minimizing the content that must be created manually. From the result, to generation level with controlled difficulty, we must change the chromosome length too, so the fitness value can fit the target fitness and not show any linear difficulty. Our result showed this method capable of generating different level and controlled difficulty

    Elisitasi Kebutuhan Untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pengguna Pada Sistem E-Learning Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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    In recent years the use of information systems has changed very dramatically. Currently, many information systems are developed for various types of users. These various kinds of users have different characteristics, which makes it very difficult for organizations developing information systems to know the needs of their users. For this reason, a good and in-depth need elicitation is needed to really know the user's needs. The purpose of this study is to explore the needs of users in the E-Learning system of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang to increase user satisfaction of the system. In this study, several elicitation methods were used, namely interviews, storytelling, user personas, and storyboards. The interview method is carried out to explore the problems experienced by users when using the system. Then the results of the interview will be processed into a narrative form of storytelling and then poured into a persona document. By using the above method, you can dig deeper to get a sharper solution to the problems experienced by users. The results of these four methods have proven to be effective in the need elicitation process because these four methods are interrelated and complement each other. This study resulted in a storyboard containing recommended solutions from the results of the excavation of needs carried out on users of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang E-Learning syste

    Generation of Space Shooter Level Using Genetic Approach

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    In this article, we used genetic algorithm and geometric-based approach to generating level for 2D space shooter game. We used the defined fitness value from game designer to limit the fitness value of the genetic algorithm process. And the geometric-based is used to generate base level from the best chromosome in genetic algorithm. The geometric generator will take a random object for each corresponding game element from the chromosome. This approach minize the time to generating the object, we directly used object geometry for the data in chromosome so it can minimize process and memory cost. This approached minimizing the content that must be created manually. From the result, to generation level with controlled difficulty, we must change the chromosome length too, so the fitness value can fit the target fitness and not show any linear difficulty. Our result showed this method capable of generating different level and controlled difficulty


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    Requirements elicitation is the most important activity in the software development process, because it has a direct impact on the success of the development process. The success of a software is determined from the involvement of a user persona at the design stage. The involvement of user personas in software design is critical in the requirements engineering process, because if the process is done incorrectly, the resulting software will also have poor quality. This study focuses on using the approach of the user persona in collecting information related to the needs of the informatics engineering infotech website at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, so that the results obtained can be in accordance with the needs of the user. The final result that is expected in this research is a design of the plagiarism check feature for the practitioner's program automatically on the infotech website which is implemented in the form of use cases and prototypes. This feature will later make it easier for assistants in assessing program results collected by practitioners, so that the time needed to correct the program can be done faster


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    Untuk mengetahui apakah sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, maka diperlukan proses evaluasi terhadap kinerja dari sistem informasi tersebut. Evaluasi dapat dilakukan dengan dengan berbagai cara sesuai dengan tujuan dari evaluasi tersebut. Evaluasi yang dilakukan terhadap sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang dengan menggunakan PIECES Framework. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan 6 fokus analisis yaitu performance, information and data, economy, control and security, efficiency, dan service. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan dan tingkat kepentingan sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, mengetahui kelemahan dan kekuatan dan menganalisis komponen apa saja yang perlu ditingkatkan kualitas pelayanannya. Data didapatkan dari penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 40 pengguna sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pengukuran rata-rata tingkat kepuasan berada pada 3, 6 yang berarti sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang telah memberikan kepuasan kepada pengguna, sedangkan untuk nilai pengukuran rata-rata tingkat kepentingan 3, 4 yang berarti sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang dianggap penting oleh pengguna

    Lightning Effects Technique Comparison in Unity 3D

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    Game developer team especially indie game developer mostly has small number of members and sometimes unbalanced team composition. Sometimes it has more artist than programmer, sometimes it is the opposite. At the same time, consumer will choose game that has a beautiful graphics. This demands of good graphic game can cause problem to unbalanced developer team. Therefore it is needed to know techniques that can utilize many artist or many programmer to create good graphic games. In this articles, we introduce some techniques to create special lightning effects of characters skills in Unity3D. Some of them can be created with good artistic skill. It means that this technique make use of your artist. The other technique created procedurally using Line Renderer from Unity 3D. This technique is friendly for artist since it utilze programmer. At the end of this article, all of those technique will be tested in their performance of its lightness and speed


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    Penyajian sistem informasi saat ini tidak hanya menampilkan informasi berbasis teks, tetapi dapat menampilkan gambar dalam bentuk geografi. Dengan melihat bentuk geografi tentu akan mempermudah pengguna dalam mengakses informasi, terutama informasi yang berkaitan dengan suatu area atau wilayah. Informasi keberadaan kurir ASI adalah salah satu informasi yang sangat penting bagi pengguna yang ingin mengetahuinya. Agar informasi yang ditampilkan menarik, dukungan sistem informasi berbasis geografi pasti sangat menguntungkan pengguna. Dengan sistem informasi berbasis geografi ini, pengguna dapat melihat lokasi kurir ASI dalam bentuk peta dan rute yang dapat dilalui untuk menuju ke lokasi kampus. Dalam tulisan ini dikembangkan sistem informasi geografis, khususnya informasi tentang lokasi kurir ASI di wilayah kota Malang. Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan server web

    Lightning effects technique comparison in unity 3D

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    Game developer team especially indie game developer mostly has small number of members and sometimes unbalanced team composition. Sometimes it has more artist than programmer, sometimes it is the opposite. At the same time, consumer will choose game that has a beautiful graphics. This demands of good graphic game can cause problem to unbalanced developer team. Therefore it is needed to know techniques that can utilize many artist or many programmer to create good graphic games. In this articles, we introduce some techniques to create special lightning effects of characters skills in Unity3D. Some of them can be created with good artistic skill. It means that this technique make use of your artist. The other technique created procedurally using Line Renderer from Unity 3D. This technique is friendly for artist since it utilze programmer. At the end of this article, all of those technique will be tested in their performance of its lightness and speed
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